Unearth the Magic Within
Earth Astrology brings astrology alive
by going beyond merely mental information
to direct, embodied experience.
I work with your astrological ‘parts’ in much the same way as you might experience in a Voice Dialogue, Internal Family Systems, or Gestalt therapy session (or any other approach that works with inner parts). These astrological parts tend to be immediately recognizable to you as they constitute the core archetypes of who you are. They also represent your most intimate connection with the elemental energies of the Earth and the numinous forces of the Cosmos.
Approached this way, the archetypes reveal their wisdom directly to you from within. You discover how to embody your archetypes, while realizing how profoundly connected you are with the whole of life.
Are on a path of healing and self-realization
Revere the sacred dimensions of nature
Feel called to work with astrology, whether as a novice, intermediate, or experienced practitioner
Want to realize the highest spiritual potential encoded in your natal chart
Yearn for a more profound approach to astrology that goes beyond merely mental information
Find astrology fascinating but have a hard time remembering its insights in a way that makes a real difference in your life
Have inner parts that you seek not just to understand but transform
Want to discover your unique strengths and talents in a way you will never, ever forget
You are in the right place if you...
This unique approach to astrology can help you to....
Learn how to use astrology as a transformative practice
Strengthen your inner capacity for self-healing
Embody your archetypes
in your daily life
Let your archetypes guide you from within to more fulfillment, love, purpose, and success

begin your journey
Natal chart readings offer detailed analysis of your unique personality signature. Learn about your core life mission, wounds, lessons, and gifts, as well as current opportunities, through a live 90 minute one-on-one session. I like to start with a natal chart reading for all new clients as this establishes the foundation for all other readings.
Work with your Astrological 'Parts'
Earth Astrology Counseling Sessions
If you want to gain deeper insight into a particular life challenge, an Earth Astrology Counseling Session offers a unique perspective. In these 60 minute sessions, you are invited to make experiential contact with your astrological archetypes, opening a direct channel to their wisdom and healing gifts. The process is innately therapeutic and empowering, activating your own inner superpowers to guide you from within.
Working with David Nicol​
Working With David Nicol, Phd

I’ve been on a path of healing and awakening for over three decades. My major influences include Indian mystic Osho, A.H. Almaas, Leonard Jacobson, and nature-centric approaches including work with plant medicines. I studied astrology with the renowned Richard Tarnas at the California Institute of Integral Studies in the early 2000s and am a certified practitioner via the Astro Butterfly Wings Program. After training in the Internal Family Systems Approach in 2007, I realized I could apply its method of working with inner ‘parts’ to astrological archetypes. For years I offered this more experiential approach to friends, who consistently found it amazing and encouraged me to pursue it professionally.
Meet David
But, with Sun in Capricorn in the 10th house, my work life was focused on my ‘serious’ mission, that of birthing the field I call ‘subtle activism’. Subtle activism refers to the use of spiritual practices like meditation and prayer for collective (and not merely individual) benefit. It wasn’t until the pandemic hit in 2020 that I finally realized that astrology is actually the ideal vehicle for facilitating both personal AND collective transformation. For instance, astrology provides the perspective that certain moments of time offer radical opportunities for collective healing, while others do not. At the same time, astrology is the discipline par excellence for actualizing our unique personal gifts and powers. When we contribute our unique healing gifts together as part of a coherent group consciousness, our capacity to heal our world becomes virtually limitless. A few other things about me: I am a native Australian, now based in North California. In my past life I was among other things a professional tennis player and an environmental lawyer. I have a PhD in Philosophy and Religion from California Institute of Integral Studies. I’m the author of Subtle Activism: The Inner Dimension of Social and Planetary Transformation (SUNY Press), the first comprehensive study of the idea that focused collective meditation and intention can contribute powerfully and measurably to social change. I'm honored to be a member of the Evolutionary Leaders circle. I currently write an astrologically-informed Substack column called Geistic Musings. I’m the co-founder, with my wife Kate Naga, of EarthRising, a community devoted to seeding the energetic foundations of the coming era through group subtle activism practice.